Agua de Valencia: Spain’s Exquisite Citrus Elixir

Nov 17, 2023 | Cocktail Recipes, Gastronomy & Mixology

a beautiful agua de valencia

History and Tradition:

Agua de Valencia, a beloved cocktail hailing from the vibrant city of Valencia in Spain, is a tantalizing concoction that encapsulates the essence of the region. Originating in the 1950s, this cocktail was first crafted at the Café Madrid in Valencia and has since become a local treasure and a must-try for visitors. Its inception was a spontaneous creation, initially crafted as a twist on the classic Mimosa by replacing Champagne with locally sourced Valencian orange juice and adding a splash of spirits.

The cocktail’s name, which translates to “Valencian Water,” is a nod to the region’s bountiful citrus groves, especially the flavourful Valencia oranges that infuse the drink with their sweet and tangy essence. Over the years, Agua de Valencia has evolved into an emblematic beverage synonymous with celebrations, fiestas, and the vibrant spirit of Valencia.


Crafting Agua de Valencia:

Bringing the zest of Valencia into your home requires a simple yet sensational recipe to recreate this beloved cocktail:


  • 1 bottle of Cava or Champagne
  • 1 cup of freshly squeezed Valencian orange juice½ cup of vodka
  • ¼ cup of gin
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar (optional)
  • Ice cubes
  • Fresh orange slices for garnish


  • Begin by chilling the Champagne or Cava in the refrigerator.
  • In a large pitcher, combine the freshly squeezed Valencian orange juice, vodka, and gin. Add sugar if desired and stir gently to dissolve.
  • Refrigerate the mixture for around 30 minutes to allow the flavors to harmonize.
  • When ready to serve, fill a cocktail shaker or a large jug with ice cubes.
  • Pour the orange juice and liquor mixture over the ice and stir gently.
  • Fill champagne flutes or cocktail glasses halfway with the prepared mixture.
  • Top off each glass with chilled Champagne or Cava.
  • Garnish with a slice of fresh Valencia orange and serve immediately.

The Magnificence of Agua de Valencia:

Agua de Valencia’s allure lies in its irresistible blend of tangy citrus notes and effervescent bubbles. It stands as a testament to Valencia’s vibrant culinary heritage, embracing the abundance of locally grown oranges and the region’s zest for life.

This cocktail embodies the festive and convivial atmosphere of Valencia, elevating any occasion into a celebration. Its versatility allows for variations, such as using different citrus fruits or adjusting the sweetness to suit individual preferences.

As you savour a glass of Agua de Valencia, you’re not just imbibing a cocktail; you’re sipping a taste of Valencia’s vibrant culture and the zest for life that defines this captivating Spanish city. Whether indulging in a local tavern or crafting it at home, Agua de Valencia is a delightful invitation to revel in the joyful spirit of Spain. ¡Salud!

a pitcher of agua de valencia

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